Telephony replacement: digital lines (VOIP telephony)

BT plans to switch off all analogue telephone services in December 2025 which means the University needs to migrate its critical and analogue lines from the current Chorus telephony service to a chosen alternative solution by that deadline.  The Chorus service is provided by Atos/Mitel and could be extended but the University is taking this opportunity to assess suppliers for all telephony.  An appropriate supplier (or suppliers) of telephony services needs to be chosen before the third-party support for the platform ends in July 2026. 

What are digital lines?

Digital lines refer to VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) telephony, as opposed to analogue lines that use dedicated copper wiring and network infrastructure.  If you have a Chorus desk phone, this uses VOIP telephony so is a digital line.

What does this mean for my college or department?

The project needs accurate information about your requirements in order to assess and recommend an appropriate digital telephony supplier.  This will include numbers for:

  • telephone lines
  • telephone equipment, including handsets, intercoms and wireless phones

It will coordinate migration of Chorus lines to a new solution and facilitate a framework for colleges and departments to purchase new equipment and set up the new or revised managed service.

Detailed information 

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Date Activity
March - August 2025 (estimated) Ascertain college and department requirements for centrally managed digital lines and equipment
Trinity and/or Michaelmas term 2025 Proposal of appropriate solution, migration process and schedule, cost model, support model and pricing information as well as briefing of appropriate bodies (for example, committees)
From August 2025 Migration to appropriate solution, facilitation of new equipment purchasing and management of new service


  • The project will cover the upfront cost of migrating centrally managed digital lines to a new solution(s)
  • Should the solution that is chosen be cloud-based, which could include an expansion of Telephony over Teams, colleges and departments are likely to be responsible for paying for new cloud-compatible handset equipment.  Therefore, you will need to consider reviewing your equipment needs carefully in advance and to consider whether handsets will still be required by line users in future years. Some University departments have already begun an equipment amnesty and decommissioned handsets that are no longer used, for which the project will arrange secure disposal later in 2024 and into later years
  • A charging model for operating the digital lines after migration will be considered as the new preferred solution(s) is identified and a contract negotiated.  This will be communicated when available

Information about the new service model will be shared when available.

Frequently asked question will be posted here as they emerge